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What was the company’s name previously?
We were previously called XpresSpa Group, and changed our name on October 24, 2022.
Why did you change your name to XWELL?
We’re deeply devoted to wellness and felt our name should reflect this.
What’s your new Nasdaq ticker?

It is XWEL.

What is XWELL’s mission?
Our mission is to improve the health and wellness of people on the go.
What brands are part of XWELL and how do they support your mission?

People are more focused on their health and well-being than ever before, and XWELL serves as an essential in this pursuit. Our brands — XpresSpa®, TreatTM and XpresCheck® — are conveniently positioned along travelers’ paths. Together, they provide health and wellness services, state-of-the-art therapeutic solutions and carefully selected retail products to help people enrich their lives and improve their wellness while on the go.

Do you have a loyalty program?
Yes, guests who become members of the XWELL Loyalty Rewards Program enjoy numerous benefits and rewards from all three of our brands.
Where are XWELL’s securities listed and what are the trading symbols?
XWELL’s common stock is traded on the Nasdaq exchange under the ticker symbol XWEL. The company's shares began trading under its new name and stock ticker symbol “XWEL" effective at market open on October 25, 2022.
Who is on the XWELL’s Board of Directors?
Please click here for information about the XWELL Board of Directors.
Where can I find the SEC filings?
You can find XWELL’s SEC filings here
How can I contact XWELL’s Investor Relations?
What if I have another question that hasn’t been answered?
If you do have additional questions, click here.